Frequently Asked Questions


Yes, for the most part. You may add features such as stapling, hole-punching, booklet finishing, fax, etc., however you may not add color capabilities to a monochrome unit.

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Business World has helped many companies with Document Imaging and Filing. We are a Diamond Level Dealer for DocuWare. Please contact your sales rep regarding this request.

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If you got more "bells & whistles" than you are using, depending on whether you lease your current equipment or own it and where you currently are in your lease, there may be an opportunity for us to help you with this request. Please contact your sales rep for this info.

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More questions regarding Equipment

8 AM to 5 PM, Monday – Friday

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Help Desk

Each year the cost of doing business increases, such as toner and parts costs increasing, gas prices, etc. As these increases in price are passed along to us, we in turn pass them along to our clients. Industry average is a 10% annual increase.

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Please contact your sales rep for this information.

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Meter Readings

The exact method varies from model to model, but our friendly staff can provide you with instruction. Dial 866-991-3975 

Note: This is specific to the make and model of the machine. We have 2,745 different models active in the field.

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We can install software on your network called Smartlook that will monitor your printers, report all usages such as meters, toner consumption and maintenance items. This software is free of charge to our clients. There is also the option to submit readings through our website, by email, or by faxing to 501-374-3071.

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With over four decades of experience, our industry certified sales, service, and training specialists have the skills and knowledge to ensure your technology helps you achieve your business objectives. Let's get started. Schedule A Consultation

Business World took some of our processes from 30 day processes down to 2 or 3 days... Within a week,we were in love.
— Joe Thompson Jr.
Chief Administrator, Pulaski County Assessors Office
Joe Thompson Jr.